Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This solves 2 of your biggest problems...

So you have finally stepped into the world of making money online. You too, like the others, have decided to start with the affiliate programs. Also, you must have heard that it’s not a big deal to make good money with affiliate marketing, provided you choose the right programs and do some strategic planning while promoting your affiliate products. So far so good.

Whether you are promoting other people’s products or promoting your own products - that doesn’t matter because after all it is nothing but your own business and your means to earn good money. So whichever be your case, I am sure you would not want to leave money on the table and invite others to steal your share of profit.

Even though the industry of affiliate marketing is pretty competitive but if you are cautious and are strategic in your marketing techniques then, it could be very profitable for you.

Take a close look at the industry, you will see that not every one who gets into affiliate marketing is successful. People who are doing well leave no room for failure and take all security measures and understand its importance.

Yes! Security is one of the key factors in affiliate marketing. If you do not adopt proper security measures, then your business will be at high risk. One of the most important way to restore security is to protect your affiliate links. Do not take them for granted. A bit of carelessness on your part in regards to affiliate links may cost you a lot of dollars.

Do you know the long complicated links that you send to your prospective customers not only look convoluted but they can create a lot of problems too! If you send such an affiliate link to your customers, then the smart ones will definitely figure out that you are promoting someone else’s product and they would rather visit the parent company. Also, if your link does not function then your customers have to type a really long URL into the browser, which will definitely put him or her off.

You could be a victim of even a worse situation. What if some devious Internet pirates steal your affiliate links and replace them with theirs. If they do that, then you get no commission at all.

Did I scare you off with all of the above possibilities? Well, that certainly wasn’t my intention. I just wanted to open your eyes and state facts that actually happen in the world of Internet. It happened with me until I came across ViralURL , that brought a revolution to my online ventures.

So, if you are not getting the desired results out of your affiliate marketing,don’t lose hope. There’s definitely a remedy to this problem and that is ViralURL.com

Do I hear you asking, what is it and how can it help in averting any adverse situation for an affiliate marketer like me?
Be patient and read on, if you love your business.

ViralURL is a link cloaker that protects you in the truest sense. There may be many unethical people lurking around, who might play with your affiliate links by cutting them off or replacing them with their own etc. How much effort you put in towards building your business and advertising your business, if your links are tampered with, then all your hard work will be rendered useless.

In order to avoid such a rip off, ViralURL gives you full protection and sees to it that your affiliate links never get exposed to others.

So save yourself from getting ripped. Get all the commissions to your account that you rightfully deserve. All this is made possible by ViralURL.com

It is a blessing for every affiliate marketer like you and me, who wants to achieve success in their endeavor.

Is ViralURL limited to only link protection?


It does much much more than that. Let’s see what ViralURL can do for us:

*ViralURL helps us in protecting commission.
*ViralURL helps in building mailing lists.
*ViralURL helps in tracking statistics.
*ViralURL helps in earning extra ad credits.

In short, ViralURL allows us to create massive business leverage.
I don’t see any negative aspect associated with ViralURL. All you have to do is join it for free, then cloak your links, promote them and see your business soaring higher and higher.

You can get all detailed information about the program from the site www.ViralURL.com . There, you can find several unsolicited testimonials from various users of ViralURL. So if you want to protect your business and see your earnings grow, try ViralURL. You have nothing to lose with it.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Exciting New Breakthrough Proves That Now Anyone Can Succeed Online...

There is one thing that can quickly push your internet marketing
business from a struggling beginner trying to make that first dollar
to someone who is making good mon.ey online in a matter of weeks.

What is it? What is it that just about every successful market.er has
in common?

It's a massive mailing list.

At this point I am sure that you will be thinking
something like "I know this is important but let me get some money first."

This is exactly opposite to what you should be thinking!
A mailing list is VERY important to you and your marketing.


Imagine being able to stay in touch with everyone who comes to your
Squidoo lens, your blog or your website? How great would that be?

Now imagine that YOU are able to turn those visitors into customers
and not just once but for years to come? That would be something
that is going to bring you in some serious c.ash.

Take a look now - I recommend you read Mailing Lists Unleashed

This is the real deal - there is no hype - no false promises here.

It's simple.

Follow the guide and you WILL be making plans for a long term
online business. You WILL be making a great income and this can
last for years to come.

My advice? Don't miss out on this - it's the real deal.

I'm following it - I'm succeeding with it - I'm making mon.ey with it

There is no better endorsement than someone who is doing it already.
It's simple to follow and comes with such easy step by step
instructions that it would be almost impossible for you NOT to
start making mon.ey with it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Free Internet Marketing tools

Here are a few of my favorite things....

Free Internet Marketing tools that make your life easier and more efficient.

  • Foxit Reader 2.0 is a free PDF document viewer and printer, with incredible small size (only 1.67 M download size), breezing-fast launch speed and amazingly rich feature set. Foxit Reader 2.0 supports Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.
  • Yahoo Messenger is a life line to forming a relationship with folks in your contact list. Here is the link to Install Yahoo Messenger automatically if you don't have it already.
  • Thesaurus Writers Block happens when I'm faced with writing articles and other content...sometimes even an email. My friend, Thesaurus is always there to save me! Thesaurus is a great tool for those situations when you just can’t think of the best word to use. Simply type in the word you have in mind, hit search, and you’ll have a choice of alternatives.Bookmark this handy tool. Be ready for Writers Block.
  • Good Keywords - Good Keywords is a neat little downloadable program that helps you with your keyword research. It has lots of features and a very good starting point for your online keyword research.

  • Learning internet marketing can be overwhelming if you do not have the right resources and tools. Wealthy Affiliate gives you step-by-step instructions, a series of videos and even personal coaching. Too many tools and benefits to list...



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Get Traffic To Your Blog And Make Money With It
How To Get Traffic To Your Blog And Make Money With It
By Pawel Reszka

Everyone wants to make money with their own blog today. It usually starts with creating your own blog on Blogger and putting up some Adsense ads.

The real problem is that not everyone knows how to drive traffic to their blog to make it profitable.

I would like to give you some tips and tricks on how you can drive traffic to your blog and get it into search engines

Now since you are new here, let’s start at the beginning. The following information is seriously good so please study it carefully. If you are new to this material, your eyes will open to a completely new world that’s always been there but you couldn’t see. What you are about to discover is nothing less than the secrets of the rich!

During the past 6 years or so, I have been studying many millionaires in order to figure out what it is that they do that the poor and middle class are not doing. What I have found is that rich people do not work for a salary. Now when I say that to most people, the general reaction is something like: “Duh… of course they don’t work for a salary, they are rich; they don’t need a job.” But the reality is that they became rich BECAUSE they did not work for a salary. Rich people work for profits and this means that through the course of their lives they learn to sell and eventually become very good at it while the poor and middle class people work hard and go to school to learn how to do their jobs better in order to get higher salaries. What the rich and poor learn and do is completely different. You can go to school for many years, get a PHD and never learn anything about sales and marketing.



MK: Drive Massive Free Traffic to Your Website

PLR into Fast Cash series then you can do so by clicking here. Through this series I hope to be able to bring you http://www.kelly-stone.com/

Monday, January 21, 2008

Join Trafficera - Thousands Flocking to Join!

Join TrafficEra Here


Thousands of internet marketers will be flocking to join Trafficera in the next 48-72 hours. So do not wait, join today. You will want to get the word out to your list and a splash page on as many traffic exchanges as possible. Downlines will be built fast.

Logiscape, the creators of Hitpulse, TrafficPods, and Traffic Synidicate 25 just launched their new innovative traffic solution - Trafficera.

All the features are not live and will be phased in over the next week or so.

As a member of Trafficera, you will be able to:

* promote your website(s) to thousands of people worldwide … every day!
* create valuable contacts with others from around the world
* maintain your own blog space
* search for other members that share similar interests to yourself
* create and/or participate in exciting discussion groups
* create and/or participate in a team of members working together to compete against other teams
* compete against all other members in the program for weekly rewards
* create your very own splash pages and promote them to millions of people worldwide
* promote your banners using our independent banner network that reaches millions of viewers around the globe

When you join, the first thing you will want to do is go through their extensive tutorial. It is that IMPORTANT.

Trafficera is the new name in Traffic.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Long term website traffic on your lens

Targeted Website Traffic with Squidoo-- 3 Electrifying Tips to ...
Surprisingly, making your lenses doesn't necessarily guarantee that targeted traffic will began to pour onto your site. A tremendous amount of effort along with consistency is needed to create long term website traffic on your Squidoo ...

Using RSS Feeds & Content for Building Links

Your site is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Depending on your traffic development strategy, it’s possible to eclipse and exceed traffic from Google, Yahoo, MSN combined using alternative high-traffic funneling strategies such as web 2.0 based social media and links from propagating exposure through RSS Feeds and articles.
Fact: - If you write world class content, that alone is enough to build quality links to your website or blog using RSS feeds.

Why? Because people are looking for material on a daily basis to;


Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Internet Marketing Tios

I found two interesting posts this a.m. and have included them here. Every once in awhile something new (to me) shows up regarding internet marketing that I want to investigate further.

If you spend long hours posting to internet marketing blogs, the days of drudging through the search results trying to find DoFollow blogs is OVER! I found an OUTSTANDING piece of software that does all the work for you in a teeny tiny fraction of the time it takes if you do it manually --

See a short video showing you how it works (it's barely 5
minutes long). Your jaw is going to drop at how easy it is to
get links from blog comments with this thing.

And guess what else? The software has a f.ree version as well! Here's the link:


I have been using the free version and it IS a wonderful time saver...sooo easy!

Here are the internet marketing posts I found so interesting:

How to Use the Google Patent to Get More Traffic

Filed under: SEO Info — admin at 11:23 pm on Friday, January 18, 2008

According to the recent release of the Google Patent Application, many of the things you’re doing to get better page rank and increase your position in natural search are about to be history. It’s frightening how much things are going to change.morehttp://meritex.net/archives/2008/01/18/how-to-use-the-google-patent-to-get-more-traffic/

January 19th, 2008
Bidding on Your Own Brand Terms

There are arguments both for and against bidding on one’s own branded terms. Some say it cannibalizes your natural result traffic, others say there’s an incremental lift in traffic. Here are a few reasons why it’s a good idea to bid on one’s own branded terms: more...


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

Internet Marketing...Best Blogs & Articles

This is a super resource for internet marketers.

Tamar Weinberg has compiled a list of the best articles and blogs of 2007. If you have questions about Social Media Sites, Internet Marketing in general, Viral Strategies, Linking, Blogging or any other subject relating to internet marketing, you are sure to find answers here.

Best Internet Marketing Blog Posts of 2007

Posted by Tamar Weinberg on December 26th, 2007 Last year, I ended 2006 with a great (and still pertinent) list of blog posts and articles that I felt were really the best in their class in the area of Internet Marketing. This year, I present you my favorite timeless posts of 2007, complete with descriptions about each blog post (which more than quadrupled the workload for me this time around, especially because I tripled the amount of links, but I had fun!) more...

10 More Ways to Advertise

10 More Ways to Advertise On and Offline!!!

1. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid envelope! 24. Visit establishments you do business with (doctor's office, health food stores, karate/dance studios,etc) and ask if you can leave flyers or brochures

2. Index cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery stores 28. Get a booth at school events and share what you offer.

3. Check into an ad in school sponsored publications (directories, PTA booklets, etc). A great targeted audience and usually very affordable.

4. Post flyers at apartment complexes if they will allow it.

5. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your envelopes that you mail out. Do you know how many people look at an envelope before it gets opened by the mail department? A LOT!

6. Carry business cards in the side pockets of diaper bags while shopping

7. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's free postage!

8. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to people they know that might be interested. But turn your business card over and put their name on it and offer an incentive for prospects they send you.

9. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site

10. Purchase cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and put a cute tag on them with your pertinent information on it as well as a saying such as "I'm in the business of helping people grow".

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