Monday, December 17, 2007

Free Targeted Website Traffic

My goal is for you to make as much money as possible with
Free Targeted Website Traffic and the
Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits system.
Therefore, every step I reveal will be geared toward the fulfillment of that goal! :-)

To make money, you need to spread the word about your business to as many
people as possible. You can match your business to free targeted traffic by
visiting and participating in forums relating to your business.

That's it.

We earn a multiple seven-figure annual income promoting this same
website and YOU CAN TOO.

You don't need to focus on learning anything new. Simply focus on the
steps outlined for you inside this Internet Marketing Success Guide.

You don't need to buy any more courses or use other people's services
for marketing. As long as you are a
Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits member,
you have everything you need to make a fortune online.

Sig file ads in the forum are immortal. In other words, they can remain
active and produce profits for you forever. Even when a discussion (thread)
is no longer being actively posted to, it remains in the forum archives forever.
These archives are often indexed by Google and other major search engines
and discussions that you've participated in are often found by people using
the search engines.

The more you post in the forum, the more inbound links you'll get to your
website. The more inbound links you get, the more visitors you'll attract.
The more visitors you attract, the more sales you'll make. It really is that simple.

Remember, making money with the Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits system is a
simple matter of getting links distributed that point back to your website.
And, for faster results and bigger profits, getting links distributed that point
back directly to your website.

Posting regularly in Forums is an easy and free way to get more links pointing
back to your sales page. Forum members are great prospects for the
Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits system because less than 1/2% of current Forum
members are Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits members. That leaves a HUGE
marketplace of thousands of lurking Forum members who could sign up
with YOU! :-)
It's very important to realize that your post itself should NOT be an advertisement. You are participating in the forum to add value to the discussion itself. Then, like leaving your business card for people to pick up, your signature file ad will be available for everyone who is reading the discussion to see and take advantage of if they want to.

Repeat this process of posting to different discussions at least 25 posts today. Yes, make AT LEAST 5 new posts today as responses to 5 different discussions in progress.

In fact, I want you to make at least 5 posts per day in a business forum for the next 25 days. When you're done, you'll have at least 125 links pointing back to your website and if you've setup your signature file ad as I've instructed you to do and responded meaningfully to posts how I've described, I doubt that you will ever be able to stop enrollments from coming in. That's not a bad problem to have. In fact, it's one I live happily with every day! :-)

Forums are full of people in nearly every country on the planet with varying interests and education levels, there are always discussions going on that are tailor made just for you.

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